Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bout of Books 7.0 Read-A-Thon Progress For Last THREE Days

My reading progress has recently been tapered by two events, one foreseen and one unforeseen.

In a previous post, I stated that I would be graduating this week and that my chances to read would be lessened by the arrival of my family. True to form, this hypothesis came to fruition and I was unable to fully sit down and focus enough to read. Add to this the fact that I fell into a random reading slump and these last couple of days have been the pits.

I first started off Tuesday trying to finish Divorce Islamic Style since I only had about 80 pages to go, but I was unable to do so due to my growing resentment at one of the characters constant berating of others who were not Muslim in each of her chapters. After this, I tried to read The Golem and the Jinni, but couldn't really get in sync with the plot enough to become invested in the book. Finally, I decided to just give up all reading and spend time packing my apartment and picking my family up at the airport. Once all this was done I figured maybe it wasn't really an actual slump I was in, but the choice of books I was reading that was leading me to want to stop reading.

With this realization, I decided to switch up my TBR list for the Read-A-Thon and put aside Divorce Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie  instead. Boy! Was this THE best thing that I could've done. I recently had to reread Adichie's Purple Hibiscus for my Global Literature class and was excited to learn that this author was set to release another novel this year.
Islamic Style and The Golem and the Jinni and read Americanah by

Americanah is a book about two individuals, Ifemelu, a Nigerian blogger who has lived in America for thirteen years after immigrating and Obinze, a wealthy Nigerian business man who still lives in Nigeria. As adolescents, Ifemelu and Obinze were sweethearts. Attending secondary school and university together, the two believed that they would one day get married. However, this does not happen and eventually the two lose contact with each other and start separate lives. Set to return home to Nigeria after her hiatus in America, Ifemelu decides to reconnect with Obinze. Unfortunately, he is married now and this is a tad bit problematic. The overall novel follows the two lovers as they fall in love as children and later cross paths as adults.

I'm really enjoying Adichie's book thus far and can't wait to review it. Hopefully, I will finish it by Sunday. Since I fell so far behind in my reading schedule, I think that I will knock a book off my overall Read-A-Thon goal and just aim for finishing four by Sunday.

I hope everybody else is making great strides in their TBR/Read-A-Thon goals. Happy Reading!

TBR List For Read-A-Thon:
1. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
2. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
3. So Long A Letter by Mariama Ba
4. Where'd You Go Bernedette by Maria Semple
5. I've Got Your Number by  Sophie Kinsella*

Overall Progress:
Number of Books I've read Finished: 1
Book Goal :4
Total Number of Pages I've Read Tuesday: 10
Total Number of Pages I've Read Wednesday: 25
Total Number of Pages I've Read Thursday: 89

 *Random Quick Read


  1. That's a bummer about Divorce Islamic Style. Sometimes a character can really ruin a book for you. Americanah is on my TBR list for the summer.

    1. Divorce Islamic Style is a really good book, I just wasn't in right mind frame to finish the book. I'd definitely recommend it to others and hope to review it eventually for my blog. Americanah is sooooo good. I thought I'd be stuck in my reading slump forever once I hit it, but this book snapped me right back to attention. It's definitely a good summer read.
