Monday, May 13, 2013

Bout of Books 7.0 Read-A-Thon Progress #1

I'm excited to announce that I have finished one book off my list and am waaaay ahead of schedule for my five book reading goal for this week. I put a book review for The DUFF by Kody Keplinger earlier and will be continuing to read and report as the week goes on.


TBR List For Read-A-Thon:

1. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger

2. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker

3. So Long A Letter by Mariama Ba

4. Where'd You Go Bernedette by Maria Semple

5. Divorce Islamic Style by Amara Lokhous 

Overall Progress:
Number of books I've read today: 1
Total number of books I've read: 1
Books: 5


  1. It's seems like EVERYONE is participating in this challenge. *sigh* Now I wish I could joined. Oh well. Anyway keep up the great work, chick!

    1. Thanks! You still can! The sign up ends today...or tomorrow. The sign-up linky is on I definitely loved to see you take on the challenge of speed reading your blog post are always amazing

  2. Replies
    1. yep! My username is adamentdreamer.

    2. LOL! I just saw that in your About Me section. I only "saw" Instagram the first time I read it. SMH. Late night reading...
